Generated: January 28, 2005, 00:10:56 A SchemeDoc Manual

Margrave Query Functions

Kathi Fisler (WPI), Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University), Leo A. Meyerovich (Brown University), and Michael Carl Tschantz (Brown University) ©

Source file: /pro/xacml/summer2004/Margrave/Margrave/code/Margrave.scm
LAML Version 25.10 (September 15, 2004, full)

This is the main Scheme file for Margrave. This file holds most the functions you will need to ask queries about AVCs, policies, and comparisions as well as to to make AVCs and comparisons, and load XACML policy files. It loads the other required functions. To use Margrave, make a query file that loads this file and the module this file holds as follows:

(load-relative "[path]/Margrave/code/Margrave.scm)
(require margrave)

where "[path]" is the path to where you installed Margrave.

Table of Contents:
1. Constants 6. Creating Comparisons. 11. Reducing AVCs.
2. Parsing in XACML files. 7. Quantification. 12. Test Functions.
3. Creating AVCs. 8. Evaluating Requests. 13. Output.
4. AVC Connectives. 9. Restriction.
5. Predicates over AVCs. 10. Constraining Policies.

Alphabetic index:
avc-and (avc-and . l) Returns the intersection of the given AVCs.
avc-and* (avc-and* l) Like avc-and but takes a list of AVCs.
avc-difference (avc-difference l r) Returns the AVC that is the difference between l and r.
avc-equal-test avc-equal-test If the two AVCs are equal it calls the fail-func with the difference of the two AVCs, else true is returned.
avc-equal? (avc-equal? l r) Returns true iff the two given AVCs are equal.
avc-false-test avc-false-test If the AVC is not false it calls the fail-func with the given AVC, else true is returned.
avc-false? (avc-false? avc) Returns true iff the given AVC is the constant false.
avc-implication-test avc-implication-test If the first AVC does not imply the second AVC, the fail-func is called with the difference of the two AVCs, else true is returned.
avc-implication? (avc-implication? l r) Returns true iff l implies r.
avc-not (avc-not avc) Returns that complement of the given AVC.
avc-not-empty-test avc-not-empty-test If the AVC is false it calls the fail-func with the given AVC, else true is returned.
avc-or (avc-or . l) Returns the union of the given AVCs.
avc-or* (avc-or* l) Like avc-or but takes a list of AVCs.
compare-policies (compare-policies policy1 policy2) Compares two policies.
constrain-policy (constrain-policy request-set policy) Constrain a policy to a given request-set.
constrain-policy-disjoint (constrain-policy-disjoint avc-list policy) returns the policy that applies if only one of the listed avcs is possible at once.
constrain-policy-partition (constrain-policy-partition avc-list policy) like disjoint, but all requests must lay in one
disjoint-set (disjoint-set . avc-list) Produces the AVC that holds all requests that fall into no more than one of the AVCs given.
disjoint-set* (disjoint-set* avc-list) Produces the AVC that holds all requests that fall into no more than one of the AVCs given in the list.
for-all (for-all avc . match-list) Like there-exits-for, but performs the for-all* operation.
for-all* (for-all* avc match-list) Universal quantification over an avc.
get-all-attrids (get-all-attrIds) return a list of lists, where the first list is for subjects, the second for resources, the third for actions.
get-all-attrvalues (get-all-attrValues) return a list of lists, where the first list is for subjects, the second for resources, the third for actions.
get-combo-attrval-involved-in (get-combo-attrval-involved-in subtarget attrid change cadd)
get-combo-attrval-involved-in* (get-combo-attrval-involved-in* subtarget attrid change-list cadd)
get-combo-attrval-involved-in-change (get-combo-attrval-involved-in-change subtarget attrid cadd)
get-combo-attrval-involved-in-real-change (get-combo-attrval-involved-in-real-change subtarget attrid cadd)
list-of-change-const list-of-change-const A list of constants that represent all the possible terminals in a comparison that correspond to a change.
list-of-real-change-const list-of-real-change-const Like the list-of-change-const, but only list those changes that will change the behavior of the PEP.
load-xacml-policy load-xacml-policy allows parsing in one step.
make-avc (make-avc subtarget attrid attrvalue) a set of requests including all requests that have the given attrValue assigned to the given attrId in the given subtarget.
make-avc-singleton (make-avc-singleton subtarget attrid attrvalue) Returns the AVC that contains exactly one request, specifically the request that has only the given attribute value associated with the given attribute id in the given subtarget, and no other associations.
make-nonmulti-attribute (make-nonmulti-attribute subtarget attrid policy) make nonmulti-attribute : must have one or zero and no more
For example:
You know that every request will have at most one value associated with the resource-id attribute so place a make-nonmulti-attribute constraint on the policy Pol with "(make-nonmulti-attribute 'Resource 'resource-id Pol)".
make-nonmulti-attribute* (make-nonmulti-attribute* list-s-id policy)
make-singleton-attribute (make-singleton-attribute subtarget attrid policy) make single-valued attribute : must have exactly one
For example:
You know that every request will have exactly one value assocated with the resource-id attribute so place a make-nonmulti-attribute contraint on the policy Pol with "(make-nonmulti-attribute 'Resource 'resource-id Pol)".
make-singleton-attribute* (make-singleton-attribute* list-s-id policy)
match->avc (match->avc match) Given a match, it will return the corresponding AVC.
match->avc-singleton (match->avc-singleton . match-list) Like make-avc-singleton but takes a match instead.
partition-set (partition-set . avc-list) Produces the AVC that holds all requests that fall into exactly one of the AVCs given.
partition-set* (partition-set* avc-list) Produces the AVC that holds all requests that fall into exactly one of the AVCs given in the list.
pdp (pdp policy request) Takes a policy and a request and yields the response a PDP would yield.
pep-view (pep-view policy) The way the policy is enforced by a PEP (with NA being treated as a deny)
present-combo-attrvalues (present-combo-attrvalues subtarget attrid avc)
print-avc (print-avc avc) Prints an AVC to the standard output port.
print-comparison (print-comparison comparison) Prints a comparison to the standard output port.
print-comparison-changes (print-comparison-changes comparison) Prints only the parts of a comparison that deal with changes to the standard output port.
print-policy (print-policy policy) Prints a policy to the standard output port.
print-policy-as-nameddnf (print-policy-as-nameddnf policy) Another string representation of a policy that is printed to standard output.
restrict-comparision-to-change (restrict-comparision-to-change change comparision) Get the AVC that corresponds to the terminal in which you are interested from a policy or comparison.
restrict-policy-to-dec (restrict-policy-to-dec decision policy) Get the AVC that corresponds to the terminal in which you are interested from a policy or comparison.
there-exists-for (there-exists-for avc . match-list) Makes bdd into E b in bool such that bdd[avc -> b].
there-exists-for* (there-exists-for* avc match-list) Makes the given AVC into E b in bool s.t.

Base Module mzscheme
Description The module holding query functions. Use the Scheme command "(require margrave)" to include it in your query files.

1 Constants

Form list-of-change-const
Description A list of constants that represent all the possible terminals in a comparison that correspond to a change. For example, 'PD corresponds to the change "Permit goes to Deny". Note that "changes" like 'PP (permit stays permit) are not in the list since these "changes" are not really changes.

Form list-of-real-change-const
Description Like the list-of-change-const, but only list those changes that will change the behavior of the PEP. For example, 'ND (not applicable goes to deny) is not in this list despite being in list-of-change-const since the PEP must reject any request that yeilds either not appliacable or deny, so the PEP will do the same thing either way.

2 Parsing in XACML files.

Form load-xacml-policy
Type string * string * [bool] -> policy
Description Allows parsing in one step.
Internal remark the only function to use anything from the xacml2ast or ast2add modules

3 Creating AVCs.
Functions for creating attribute value constraints.

Form (make-avc subtarget attrid attrvalue)
Type sym sym sym [bool] -> avc
Description A set of requests including all requests that have the given attrValue assigned to the given attrId in the given subtarget.

Form (make-avc-singleton subtarget attrid attrvalue)
Description Returns the AVC that contains exactly one request, specifically the request that has only the given attribute value associated with the given attribute id in the given subtarget, and no other associations.

Form (match->avc match)
Description Given a match, it will return the corresponding AVC. Note that (make-avc aSubtarget anAttrId anAttrValue) does return the same AVC as (match->avc (make-match aSubtarget anAttrId anAttrValue))

Form (match->avc-singleton . match-list)
Description Like make-avc-singleton but takes a match instead.

4 AVC Connectives.
These mirror the boolean connectives. One might find it easier to think of these as set opperations where each AVC is a set of requests or matches. For example, avc-or may be thought of as a union.

Form (avc-not avc)
Type avc -> avc
Description Returns that complement of the given AVC.

Form (avc-or . l)
Type avc* -> avc
Description Returns the union of the given AVCs.
See also list version avc-or*

Form (avc-or* l)
Type (listof avc) -> avc
Description Like avc-or but takes a list of AVCs.
See also non-list version avc-or

Form (avc-and . l)
Type avc* -> avc
Description Returns the intersection of the given AVCs.
See also list version avc-and*

Form (avc-and* l)
Type (listof avc) -> avc
Description Like avc-and but takes a list of AVCs.
See also non-list version avc-and

Form (avc-difference l r)
Type avc avc -> avc
Description Returns the AVC that is the difference between l and r. {x in l | x not in r} = l intersect (compl r)

Form (disjoint-set . avc-list)
Type avc* -> avc
Description Produces the AVC that holds all requests that fall into no more than one of the AVCs given.
See also list version disjoint-set*

Form (disjoint-set* avc-list)
Type (listof avc) -> avc
Description Produces the AVC that holds all requests that fall into no more than one of the AVCs given in the list.
See also non-list version disjoint-set

Form (partition-set . avc-list)
Type avc* -> avc
Description Produces the AVC that holds all requests that fall into exactly one of the AVCs given.
See also list version partition-set*

Form (partition-set* avc-list)
Type (listof avc) -> avc
Description Produces the AVC that holds all requests that fall into exactly one of the AVCs given in the list.
See also non-list version partition-set

5 Predicates over AVCs.
These check for basic properties of AVCs.

Form (avc-false? avc)
Type avc -> bool
Description Returns true iff the given AVC is the constant false. One can view such an AVC as being empty.

Form (avc-equal? l r)
Type avc avc -> bool
Description Returns true iff the two given AVCs are equal.

Form (avc-implication? l r)
Type avc avc -> bool
Description Returns true iff l implies r. That is, returns true when l holds all the match sets that r holds (and maybe some more). One can view this as returning true iff l is a subset of r.

6 Creating Comparisons.

Form (compare-policies policy1 policy2)
Type policy policy -> comparison
Description Compares two policies. Given two policies, it will merge the two policies into a comparison that will list all of the differences between the two policies. The comparison will be done in the order in which the policies are provided.
For example:
(compare p1 p2) where p1 denies all requests and p2 permits all requests that would yield a comparison in which everything is mapped to 'DP, the symbol for "deny goes to permits".

7 Quantification.
Performs quantification over a match.

Form (there-exists-for avc . match-list)
Type avc match* -> avc
Description Makes bdd into E b in bool such that bdd[avc -> b]. Existance quantification over an avc: does there exist a value for this match (has it or does not have it) such that true is yielded. Maybe a better name would be "don't-care-out-match".
See also list version there-exists-for*

Form (there-exists-for* avc match-list)
Type avc (listof match) -> avc
Description Makes the given AVC into E b in bool s.t. bdd[avc -> b] Existance quantification over an avc, does there exist a value for this match (has it or does not have it) such that true is yielded.
See also non-list version there-exists-for

Form (for-all avc . match-list)
Type avc match* -> avc
Description Like there-exits-for, but performs the for-all* operation.
See also list version for-all*

Form (for-all* avc match-list)
Type avc (listof match) -> avc
Description Universal quantification over an avc.
See also non-list version for-all

8 Evaluating Requests.
These allow Margrave to act as a PDP or to view things as a PEP does.

Form (pep-view policy)
Type policy -> policy
Description The way the policy is enforced by a PEP (with NA being treated as a deny)

Form (pdp policy request)
Type policy * avc -> decision
Description Takes a policy and a request and yields the response a PDP would yield.
Returns A symbol, either 'P, 'D, 'N, 'E, for permit, deny, not applicable, or excluded by constraint, respectivily.

9 Restriction.
Get the AVC that corresponds to the terminal in which you are interested from a policy or comparison. If for example you would like to know which requests are mapped to 'P (permit) in a policy named Pol, you can restrict the policy to 'P with (restrict-policy-to-dec 'P Pol). This will yield the AVC that holds all the requests that would yield 'P.

Form (restrict-policy-to-dec decision policy)
Type policy decision -> avc
Description Get the AVC that corresponds to the terminal in which you are interested from a policy or comparison.

Form (restrict-comparision-to-change change comparision)
Type comparison decision -> avc
Description Get the AVC that corresponds to the terminal in which you are interested from a policy or comparison.

10 Constraining Policies.
Rule some requests out of consideration by introducing environment contraints.

Form (constrain-policy request-set policy)
Type policy avc -> policy
Description Constrain a policy to a given request-set. All requests that are not in the request-set are mapped to EC.

Form (constrain-policy-disjoint avc-list policy)
Type (listof avc) policy -> policy
Description Returns the policy that applies if only one of the listed avcs is possible at once.

Form (constrain-policy-partition avc-list policy)
Type (listof avc) policy -> policy
Description Like disjoint, but all requests must lay in one
See also constrain-policy-disjoint

Form (make-nonmulti-attribute subtarget attrid policy)
Type policy subtarget sym -> policy
Description Make nonmulti-attribute : must have one or zero and no more
For example:
You know that every request will have at most one value associated with the resource-id attribute so place a make-nonmulti-attribute constraint on the policy Pol with "(make-nonmulti-attribute 'Resource 'resource-id Pol)".
See also list version make-nonmulti-attribute*

Form (make-nonmulti-attribute* list-s-id policy)
Type (listof (pair subtarget sym)) policy -> policy
See also non-list version make-nonmulti-attribute

Form (make-singleton-attribute subtarget attrid policy)
Type policy subtarget sym -> policy
Description Make single-valued attribute : must have exactly one
For example:
You know that every request will have exactly one value assocated with the resource-id attribute so place a make-nonmulti-attribute contraint on the policy Pol with "(make-nonmulti-attribute 'Resource 'resource-id Pol)".
See also list version make-singleton-attribute*

Form (make-singleton-attribute* list-s-id policy)
Type (listof (pair subtarget sym)) policy -> policy
See also non-list version make-singleton-attribute

11 Reducing AVCs.
Reduce an AVC to the parts in which you are interested.

Form (present-combo-attrvalues subtarget attrid avc)
Type subtarget attrId avc -> avc

Form (get-combo-attrval-involved-in subtarget attrid change cadd)
Type subtarget attrId termial (| policy comparision) -> avc
See also list version make-singleton-attribute*

Form (get-combo-attrval-involved-in* subtarget attrid change-list cadd)
Type subtarget attrId (listof termial) (| policy comparision) -> avc
See also non-list version make-singleton-attribute

Form (get-combo-attrval-involved-in-change subtarget attrid cadd)
Type cadd subtarget attrId change -> avc

Form (get-combo-attrval-involved-in-real-change subtarget attrid cadd)
Type cadd subtarget attrId change -> avc

12 Test Functions.
These functions are for testing properties of an AVC. These functions mirror the predicates over AVCs. If a predicate holds, they return true. Otherwise, they yield counter-examples in the form of an AVC. If an optional fail-func is provided, they will call the fail-func with the counter-examples if the predicate fails to hold (instead of just returning the counter-examples). These functions are useful in testing a large number of properties since you can have the return value of true be ignorged while having the fail-func print out which test failed and the counter-example.

Form avc-false-test
Type (avc -> #t | avc) | (avc (avc -> a) -> #t | a)
Description If the AVC is not false it calls the fail-func with the given AVC, else true is returned. (If the AVC is not false, it is itself a counter-example.) The default fail-func is the identity function, so by default, the non-false AVC is returned.
See also mirrored predicate avc-false?

Form avc-not-empty-test
Type (avc -> #t | avc) | (avc (avc -> a) -> #t | a)
Description If the AVC is false it calls the fail-func with the given AVC, else true is returned. (If the AVC is false, it is itself a counter-example.) The default fail-func is the identity function, so by default, the false AVC is returned.

Form avc-equal-test
Type (avc avc -> #t | avc) | (avc avc (avc -> a) -> #t | a)
Description If the two AVCs are equal it calls the fail-func with the difference of the two AVCs, else true is returned. The default fail-func is the identity function, so by default, the difference AVC is returned.
See also mirrored predicate avc-equal?

Form avc-implication-test
Type (avc avc -> #t | avc) | (avc avc (avc -> a) -> #t | a)
Description If the first AVC does not imply the second AVC, the fail-func is called with the difference of the two AVCs, else true is returned. The default fail-func is the identity function, so by default, the difference AVC is returned.
See also mirrored predicate avc-implication?

13 Output.
Functions for printing string representations of AVCs, policies, and comparisons. The functions print-avc print-policy print-comparison and print-comparison-changes all print string representations ADDs to standard output. Since each node in an ADD has a number corresponding to its place in the ordering of nodes, they all print the ADD with nodes in order and numbered by that number. First, a list of these nodes is printed in order giving to what match each node corresponds. Second, list of rows are printed. Each row consists of list of "0"s, "1"s, and "-"s. The "0"s correpond to the false (or else) branch of the node whose number is equal to the column number of that symbol (see the column key at the top of the print out). The "1"s correspond to the true (then) branches and the "-"s to don't-care. Each row ends in a terminal. A sequence of matchs that fit the pattern of "0"s, "1"s, "-"s in a row is mapped to the terminal at the end of the row. For example,
1:/Resource, resource-class, paper/ 2:/Resource, resource-class, review/
00 N
01 P
1- D
states that a request without the attribute match of resource-class to paper or to review will recieve NotApplicable, one with just the match of resource-class to review will be Permitted, and one with a match of resource-class to paper will be Denied regardless whether it matches review or not.

Form (print-avc avc)
Type avc ->
Description Prints an AVC to the standard output port.
Returns void

Form (print-policy policy)
Type policy ->
Description Prints a policy to the standard output port.
Returns void

Form (print-comparison comparison)
Type comparison ->
Description Prints a comparison to the standard output port.
Returns void

Form (print-comparison-changes comparison)
Type comparison ->
Description Prints only the parts of a comparison that deal with changes to the standard output port.
Returns void

Form (print-policy-as-nameddnf policy)
Type policy ->
Description Another string representation of a policy that is printed to standard output.
Returns void

Form (get-all-attrIds)
Type -> (listof (listof attrId))
Description Return a list of lists, where the first list is for subjects, the second for resources, the third for actions. Each of these lists holds all the attribute ids found in that subtarget in one of the policies loaded.

Form (get-all-attrValues)
Type -> (listof (listof (pairof attrId, (listof attrValues))))
Description Return a list of lists, where the first list is for subjects, the second for resources, the third for actions. Each these lists hold pairs. The first element of each pair is an attribute id and second is a list of all the values assocated with that attribute id somewhere in one of policies loaded.

Generated: January 28, 2005, 00:10:57
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc.
This documentation has been extracted automatically from the Scheme source file.